Benefits of using MAKR Rooms
Freelancer Benefits
Higher-income via lower fees and lucrative monetization opportunities
Ability to sell templates and creative work on Storefront
Expertise sharing via Co-Learn and user network
Robust public portfolio
An audited fair rating system
Diverse, flexible payment options
Verified clients via third-party KYC
File sharing and accessible communication
Timeline tool (Progress tracking tool)
Benefits For Entrepreneurs
Teamlancing and accommodations for larger projects
Organized, diverse flexible payment options
Options verified freelancers via third-party KYC
Progress tracking tools
Private contract agreements
Security you can trust
Overall Benefits
First-in-class Teamlancing
Competitively low transaction fees
Storefronts for the sales and purchase of creative works, templates, etc.
Content-rich profiles that include work experiences, ratings, badges, and more
Public and private contract agreements
Versatile packages for individual needs
Accessible CoMakr messaging features
Professional networking tools
Progress tracking tools such as calendars, milestones, etc.
Room API- users that allow the creation of Makr Rooms on different applications
Collaboration amongst other Makr Rooms with secured permission systems
Filters to find local teams by country and city
Expertise sharing via Co-Learn and user network
Last updated